Author Archives: Rev. Paul Rydecki

Don’t lose hope between Advents!

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Advent 3 – Gaudete 1 Corinthians 4:1-5  +  Matthew 11:2-10 The King is coming! That’s what all the Old Testament prophets foretold! The King—the Christ—is coming! John the Baptist himself … Continue reading

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No one can keep God from delivering His people

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Midweek of Advent 2 Isaiah 40:15-31 It’s as if the prophet Isaiah were standing in Babylon, in the midst of Israel’s captivity there, preaching to the Jews who were sitting … Continue reading

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Now is the time to watch and prepare

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Advent 2 Romans 15:4-13  +  Luke 21:25-36 The King is coming! Believe it or not! Like it or not! The King is coming! Jesus is coming! And He will come … Continue reading

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Comfort in God’s coming to deliver

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Midweek of Advent 1 Isaiah 40:1-14 By God’s grace, we successfully walked through the whole book of Revelation in the last Church Year. This year, I’ve chosen to walk with … Continue reading

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The King first came to save the world

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Advent 1 Romans 13:11-14  +  Matthew 21:1-9 The King is coming! That was the Advent preaching of all the Old Testament prophets, from the Garden of Eden onward. Christ, the … Continue reading

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