Author Archives: Rev. Paul Rydecki

Flee from idolatry in all its forms

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Third-to-last Sunday (Trinity 25) 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18  +  Matthew 24:15-28 Today the lectionary begins turning our thoughts to the end times, to the state of the world and of the … Continue reading

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Something new is coming

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Midweek of Trinity 22 Revelation 21:1-8 We’ve all had that special thing we really loved—a toy, a car, a tool, a piece of equipment, a piece of clothing—that eventually broke, … Continue reading

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The pattern of forgiveness must not fail

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Trinity 22 Philippians 1:3-11  +  Matthew 18:23-35 The forgiveness of sins is at the heart of the Christian Gospel. But many people, including many Christians, don’t pay attention to how … Continue reading

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Blessed are the saints on earth and in heaven

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for All Saints’ Day Revelation 7:2-17  +  Matthew 5:1-12 Today we remember all the saints: the apostles, prophets, and martyrs of the Church of Christ, together with all the faithful who … Continue reading

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Remain in the truth of grace, faith, and Scripture alone

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for the Festival of the Reformation Galatians 2:16-21  +  John 8:31-36 Lutherans traditionally stick to the ancient lectionary of the Christian Church, going back over a thousand years for most Sundays … Continue reading

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