Author Archives: Rev. Paul Rydecki

The measuring and the witnessing

(audio only of tonight’s sermon, no video) Sermon Download Sermon Sermon for Midweek of Easter 6 Revelation 11:1-14 We have before us the second part of the interlude between the sounding of the sixth and seventh trumpets. In the first … Continue reading

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Witnesses, confessors, and the treatment they can expect

There is no audio or video of the service today as a result of our recent break-in and loss of equipment. We apologize for this and hope and pray to have it resolved by Wednesday’s service. Sermon for Exaudi – … Continue reading

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We have a Friend in high places

(audio only of tonight’s sermon, no video) Sermon Download Sermon Sermon for the Ascension of Our Lord Acts 1:1-11  +  Mark 16:14-20 Today we celebrate the day of Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the day He wrapped up His visible, earthly … Continue reading

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Only Christians have the Father’s ear

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Easter 5 – Rogate James 1:22-27  +  John 16:23-30 For the third week in a row, our Gospel for the day has taken us back to the night before Jesus … Continue reading

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The mighty angel with the open book

Sermon Download Sermon Service Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Midweek of Easter 4 Revelation 10:1-11 Think back to John’s vision of the seven seals. Between the opening of the sixth and seventh seals, there was a sort of interlude … Continue reading

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