Author Archives: Rev. Paul Rydecki

Faithful to the Gospel, but also to the Law

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Midweek of Septuagesima Revelation 2:12-17 Three of the seven letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation have a combination of praise and rebuke for the pastor, … Continue reading

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Cherish God’s grace. Don’t despise it.

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Septuagesima 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:5  +  Matthew 20:1-16 The Christian religion is not a theoretical thing. To practice our religion, to be a Christian, is not about theoretically holding to … Continue reading

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Be faithful unto death

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for midweek of Transfiguration Revelation 2:8-11 On Sunday, in the account of the Transfiguration, Jesus showed us a brief glimpse of the glory and the crown that await all those … Continue reading

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Shame before glory, cross before crown

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for the Transfiguration of Our Lord 2 Peter 1:16-21  +  Matthew 17:1-9 Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants comfort and ease, glory and contentment. But what did Jesus tell … Continue reading

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From persecutor to confessor

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Download Insert Sermon for the Conversion of St. Paul Acts 9:1-22  +  Matthew 19:27-30 Imagine witnessing an execution. A public execution. The execution of a man who has not been accused … Continue reading

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