Author Archives: Rev. Paul Rydecki

Seek first the kingdom of God, not of Mammon

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Trinity 15 Galatians 5:25-6:10  +  Matthew 6:24-34 I don’t take polls. But if I were to take a poll this morning and ask, how many of you needed to … Continue reading

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The Ninth & Tenth Commandments

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Download Bulletin Small Catechism Review The Ninth & Tenth Commandments The Eighth Commandment taught us how not to use our tongues for any false or harmful purpose, and how to use our tongues to defend and … Continue reading

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The cleansing of justification and sanctification

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Trinity 14 Galatians 5:16-24  +  Luke 17:11-19 The works of the flesh are obvious, St. Paul said in today’s epistle to the Galatians. Then he listed a number of … Continue reading

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The Eighth Commandment

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Download Bulletin Small Catechism Review: The Eighth Commandment The Sixth Commandment taught us how God forbids us to dishonor His institution of marriage with our thoughts, words, or deeds, and how He commands us to honor … Continue reading

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Ready to end up like John

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Festival of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist Jeremiah 1:17-19  +  Mark 6:17-29 You heard the account this morning of the beheading of John the Baptist. It’s a sobering account. … Continue reading

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