Author Archives: Rev. Paul Rydecki

Beware a false sense of security

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Download Bulletin Sermon for Midweek of Judica Revelation 3:14-22 In the first six letters to the angels of the churches in Revelation, Jesus has praised pastors and people for various things: for faith and faithfulness, for … Continue reading

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Assertions that must be vindicated

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Judica Hebrews 9:11-15  +  John 8:46-59 You see the picture on the front cover of today’s service folder? There’s Jesus, walking away from the crowd of Jews who were … Continue reading

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Comfort from the one who has the key

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Midweek of Laetare Revelation 3:7-13 Jesus’ second-to-last letter, to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, has no criticism or condemnation, only comfort, encouragement, and uplifting promises. Just as … Continue reading

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The power to provide bread, but the will to do much more

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Laetare Galatians 4:21-31  +  John 6:1-15 At the beginning of this Lenten season, we saw how Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness at the beginning of His ministry, … Continue reading

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Have more than just a name for being alive

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Midweek of Oculi Revelation 3:1-6 Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, commands John to write a fifth letter, to the angel of the church in Sardis. For this pastor, there … Continue reading

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