Each Day in the Word, Friday, November 11th

 Hebrews 11:8-16

Like the heroes of faith, we too “walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7). However, our faith is not baseless or imaginary—instead, it has a specific basis, which are the very promises of God, secured for us by Christ, and received through faith.

Previously in chapter 6, the writer of Hebrews shows that God did not just make a promise to Abraham that He would bless and multiply him, but He promised on oath by swearing by Himself. Then we are reminded “it is impossible for God to lie” and these words follow for our sake: “19 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, 20 where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus.” God does not take His promises lightly, so we do not either.

Therefore, like Abraham, we dwell “as in a foreign country,” but also “as heirs with him of the same promise,” as we seek the same heavenly city “which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” Like Sarah, even if we should laugh because the promise seems too good to be true, nevertheless our doubts are replaced by faith in the promise as fulfilled by Christ, so we now “judge Him faithful who had promised.”

God makes many promises to us in His Word, and we know Him to be faithful because He has previously fulfilled many of those promises in Christ, so we trust Him for the promises that still await fulfillment. Even without seeing those results, our faith holds fast to these promises even in the face of trials and persecution because we consider Him faithful who has promised.

Let us pray: Almighty and eternal God, show your mercy to your humble servants. We put no trust in our own merits. Do not deal with us with your judgment, but with your forgiveness; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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