Each Day in the Word, Friday, September 2nd, 2022

Philippians 4:1–3 (NKJV)

1 Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved. 2 I implore Euodia and I implore Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. 3 And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.

Seeing our brothers and sisters as beloved friends and family is part of belonging to the catholic (universal) Church. We should be of the same mind in the Lord—and we should see ourselves as fellow workers in serving the Gospel of Christ crucified. This is why it saddens us to see how other denominations of Christendom misinterpret God’s Word to the point that it maligns God’s Gospel and needs to be called a false teaching. God’s Holy Scripture is most important, and we all should work together in loving service to that shared focus.

One false teaching focuses individuals on their own sense of accomplishing heaven (in other words, being “good enough”). They promote “self esteem” and ‘superficial’ piety over godly repentance and humility. St. Paul could have done this, as he revealed in yesterday’s text, but he didn’t. His new nature brought him to forfeit those merits—to sacrifice himself—to put off the old man, and put on the new man—to lose ones life, in order to gain it—to die (crucify the flesh), in order to live (in Christ Jesus) all through God-created faith.

Repentance and belief in Christ’s merits alone for salvation are, surprisingly, not popular in a majority of the teachings of today. Christ Jesus, however, teaches His followers to humbly repent and to observe all that He has commanded to His Church. We are to be of the same mind in His Word and His will. Being in Christ is how we confidently stand fast!

Let us pray: Almighty and Everlasting God, who is always more ready to hear than we to pray and to give more than we either desire or deserve, pour down upon us the abundance of Your mercy, forgiving those things of which our conscience is afraid and giving us those good things that we are not worthy to ask, except through the merits and mediation of Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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