A perspective focused on God’s grace

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Sermon for Septuagesima

1 Corinthians 9:24-10:5  +  Matthew 20:1-16

You know that Jesus told many parables during His earthly ministry. Each one has a context. Each one has a purpose. The parable you heard today, the parable of the workers in the vineyard, is only recorded in Matthew’s Gospel. It’s recorded in the context of Jesus’ apostles having just pointed out to Him how much they had given up, how much they had sacrificed in order to follow Him. And they asked what they would receive in return. Jesus told them, in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first. In other words, you will receive great rewards when Christ comes again. But be careful how you think about those rewards, and all the things you did to obtain them! Be careful that you don’t begin to think of your service to God as a matter of earning wages from Him! In other words, be careful not to start thinking that God should give you what you deserve! Because many who are first will be last.

To illustrate that point, Jesus tells the parable of the workers in the vineyard.

The kingdom of heaven is like a master of a household who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. The vineyard is God’s Holy Christian Church. No one starts out in it. Ever since Adam and Eve fell into sin, we all begin life outside of God’s holy Church, outside of His family, outside of His salvation. All people begin life as sinners who don’t know God, don’t trust in God, and don’t obey God. We start out alienated from Him and separated from Him by our sins.

But one by one, God goes out into the “marketplace” of the world and calls people out of that idleness of sin and death, out of that state of condemnation. Through the ministers of His Church He calls people to repent and to believe in Christ crucified. He calls all people to the same vineyard, to the same family of God, to the same inheritance of eternal life. And He’s always serious about that call to repent and believe in Jesus. He wants all people to be called, and He wants all the called to come into His Holy Christin Church.

But the call goes out to people at different points in their lives, some at the beginning of the day, others a little later, others a little later, and some not until the eleventh hour, close to the end. Those who are called early, like the apostles, often have to sacrifice the most, bear the heat of the day, deal with a lifetime of denying themselves and bearing the cross for Jesus’ sake. Those who are called later in life may have to sacrifice relatively little. Think of the thief on the cross next to Jesus, who was promised Paradise after suffering practically nothing for Jesus’ sake.

What happens in the parable? Those who were hired first were promised one denarius at the end of the day. And they were content with that. Those who were hired later, throughout the day, were simply told they would receive what was right at the end. And the landowner, in His goodness, chose to give one denarius to those who worked only one hour, and the same to those who worked three hours and six hours and nine hours. So when those who had worked twelve hours came along, they thought they deserved to receive more and were sorely disappointed and even angry when they were each given one denarius, although it was exactly what they were promised at the beginning of the day.

And the landowner approached one of them in the midst of their grumbling, Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what is yours and go. I want to give this last man the same as I give you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with what is mine? Or is your eye evil, because I am good?

You see, Jesus was warning His apostles here. Because they had a sinful flesh just like everyone’s sinful flesh that ultimately wants to make everything about me, what I deserve, what I’ve suffered, what I’ve given up. And we like to compare ourselves with others and point out where we’ve done more, given up more, sacrificed more, suffered more. And the devil whispers, “That means you deserve more from God!”

But, friends, that is not how God works—not when it comes to eternal life, not when it comes to the basis on which He hands out eternal life. Our sinful flesh spends all day staring in the mirror, so that we focus on ourselves. The Gospel of Christ says, turn away from yourself, you sinner, and look at God! Look at His mercy! His goodness! His generosity! Look at His sacrifice of His own beloved Son, on the cross, for you! And, you fool, stop demanding from God what you deserve! Because if He were to analyze your works and your heart according to the strictness of His holy Law, what you deserve—what all people deserve—is His wrath and punishment. But instead, God, in His grace, wishes to count to you what Christ deserves, and to overlook all your sins and failures and guilt. If you keep focusing on yourself, you will eventually put your faith in yourself, lose faith in God, and slip away from His grace. And, although you were one of the first to be called, you’ll end up last in God’s estimation.

You see, it’s a matter of perspective. But perspective matters! So, instead of viewing your place in God’s Church as a burden you must bear, instead of viewing your service to God and your obedience to His commandments as something for which He should pat you on the back, as something for which He should pay you back, view your place in God’s Church as the most wonderful, generous gift anyone could ever receive! View your place in God’s family, as a baptized believer in Christ, as a gift you could never possibly deserve, but which God in His goodness has been pleased to give you for free. View the good works, and the suffering, and the sacrifices you are called on to make for Christ’s sake as opportunities to live in freedom from sin, as time spent pursuing what is good and right and beautiful, and as opportunities to give thanks to God and to be made into the image of Christ, your Redeemer!

Then, if you’ve suffered more than others or sacrificed more than others during your time in Christ’s Church, you won’t see it as something you’ve lost, or as something God needs to compensate you for, but as something you’ve gained, as a blessing you’ve been given already this side of heaven! Because, which, really, is the greater blessing from God? To be like an apostle who spent years or decades living a hard life of service and sacrifice within the Church, or to be like the thief on the cross who led his whole life as an enemy of God, as a slave of sin, and only got to spend an hour of his earthly life as a child of God in Christ’s kingdom? They all received the same kingdom of heaven in the end, by God’s goodness and grace, through faith in Christ Jesus. But the ones who got to serve longer and harder within Christ’s kingdom actually had the greater benefit than the one who only got to spend an hour there before he died. Instead of expecting more from God for their longer time in His service, they should be praising and thanking God for showing them that kind of grace!

Have that perspective of your time and service in Christ’s kingdom, with your eyes fixed on God’s grace. Then, whether you were called early or late, first or last, you will still be counted among the first in the kingdom of heaven. May God grant it for Christ’s sake. Amen.

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In the face of death, a light shines

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Sermon for the Transfiguration of Our Lord

2 Peter 1:16-21  +  Matthew 17:1-9

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and St. Peter in his second Epistle all describe Jesus’ Transfiguration, this brief moment up on a mountain in Galilee where Jesus’ hidden glory was actually revealed to the eyes of Peter, James, and John. Not many events in Jesus’ life get that kind of coverage. Only the accounts of His death, His resurrection, and the institution of the Lord’s Supper are referenced that many times. It must have great meaning for the Church of Christ, if the Holy Spirit chose to dwell on it so often. It does have great meaning, because it served to prepare Jesus’ disciples for the thing they would soon have to face—for the thing we all have to face. It prepared them to face death, teaching them, and us, that, in the face of death, a light shines!

All three Gospels tie the Transfiguration to what happened about one week earlier. “After six days,” Matthew says. What happened six days earlier? Well, six days earlier Jesus had asked His twelve disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” They gave Him all sorts of strange answers: John the Baptist returned from the dead! Elijah! Jeremiah! Or another Old Testament prophet! Jesus put the question to them: “Who do you say I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!” And Jesus said, Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And then He began to explain to them that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day. That was the very first time Jesus told His disciples plainly that He, their Lord and Christ, was going to die. And Peter said, No! No! That won’t happen to you! And Jesus said, “Get behind Me Satan!” And then He said the words that really help explain the purpose of the Transfiguration: If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. In other words, in order to follow Me, you, too, have to die. Willingly.

After six days, with those words still ringing in their ears, Peter, James, and John accompanied Jesus up the mountain. Those three were often the three disciples whom Jesus took along without the rest. Why those three? Maybe because Peter, who had objected so strongly to Jesus’ prediction of His death, needed to see that it would be okay. Maybe because James would be the first apostle to face death after Jesus’ resurrection. Maybe because John would have to face the next sixty years watching his fellow servants die, one after the other. In any case, I think it’s important that it wasn’t all twelve disciples. It didn’t need to be all twelve. Not everyone needs to see the Transfiguration of Jesus with their eyes in order to be helped by it. “By the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every matter be established.”

And He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. Jesus’ disciples beheld His glory in many ways during His life—in His miracles, in His knowledge, in His teaching. This was the only time they got to see the glory of God with their eyes, the glory of God and the glory of eternal life. There, for a moment, they could see with their eyes what they had come to believe with hearts and confess with their mouths: that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Also glorious was the appearance of two Old Testament prophets, Moses and Elijah, Old Testament saints who had lived a hard life of service to God, who had been at times loved, but more often hated, not only by the world, but also by those who were supposed to be God’s people. Each of them had learned ahead of time what it meant to die to himself so that he might live for God and with God. Each of them was an example of those who had “lost” their earthly lives for God’s sake, only to find a life that’s even better. And this vision showed Jesus’ disciples that death had no power over them. Moses had died, but here he was alive and glorious. Elijah hadn’t died, but here he was, alive and glorious 800 years after being taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. The disciples—all disciples of Jesus—have this to look forward to on the other side of death.

What were Moses and Elijah doing there with Jesus on the mountain? Mark tells us they were talking with Jesus. Luke tells us what they were talking about. About His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. Literally, about His “exodus,” the Greek word for departure, here referring to His own departure from this life. How fitting! Who better to talk with about your impending death than people who had already made an exodus from this life and had lived to tell about it? Now, Jesus knew very well that the deceased are not truly dead. But it would be good for Peter, James, and John to see with their eyes what they believed in their hearts. It would be good for them to hear someone besides Jesus talking about how He would soon suffer and die and live again in glorious light.

The glory and peace and safety of that life on the mountain were so compelling, so attractive to Peter that he wanted it to last forever. Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. Mark tells us, Peter didn’t know what to say; all three disciples were so afraid. But you can relate to Peter, I think. We always want the peace and safety and comfort to last. It always seems good to us, and we’re thankful for the moments of peace and safety and comfort that God gives. But you’re not supposed to hold onto it yet. You’re not supposed to cling to it now. You’re supposed to give thanks to God for it while it lasts, and then be ready to let it go.

Before Peter could latch onto the vision too tightly, God the Father interrupted him. While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!

This is the second time we’ve heard God the Father speak these words about Jesus. The first time was at His Baptism. That means nothing Jesus has said or done since His Baptism has been sinful. Nothing has been misguided or wrong. Including all His preaching against sin. Including His predictions of His own imminent suffering for the sins of mankind on the cross. Including His prediction of rising on the third day. Including the forgiveness of sins which Jesus has pronounced on everyone who believes in Him. Including His insistence that all who follow Him must also deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him, even to death.

Hear Him!, is the Father’s prescription for us. The Word of Christ is that light shining in a dark place, the light we all need to focus on in the face of death. We all have a lot of distractions in our lives. We all have things we’d like to hold onto, to keep at all costs, along with a sinful nature that will not die willingly. And we have a world around us that’s filled with the devil’s lies and the devil’s hatred of all good things. Hear Him!, the Father says. Hear Jesus! Don’t deny Him. Hear Him! Don’t ignore Him. Hear Him! Don’t live for yourself and for an earthly paradise. Hear Him! He is the beloved Son of God. In Him the Father is well pleased. And if you are found hearing Him now, if you are found in Him by faith at the end of your earthly life, then you, too, have the assurance that God the Father is well pleased with you, too.

After the vision of the Transfiguration was over, Jesus warned His three disciples not to reveal it to anyone until after He was raised from the dead. That means that this vision was meant to be told, meant to be celebrated. It’s a vision meant for the Church to ponder, and to use. We can only imagine how this vision, together with the rest of the Word of Christ, helped the countless Christians who faced torture and imprisonment and death in the coming years, as they were forced to choose between holding onto their earthly lives or holding onto Jesus.

Let this vision bring you comfort, too, and strengthen your resolve to bear the cross, to face death bravely, and to face life bravely, too. This is what awaits you, if you would follow Christ: Shame and death and then glory and life. But if you trust in Him then you have God’s favor covering you through it all. If you use it, this vision will help you to face death. But more importantly, it will help you to live as a cross-bearer, following in the steps of Christ crucified, until you reach the glory He has promised at the end of the road. Amen.

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Watching Jesus at a wedding feast

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Sermon for Epiphany 2

Romans 12:6-16  +  John 2:1-11

A friend called me this week. He has been watching the news, listening to people issue warnings about some nefarious schemes being carried out by some powerful people in the world, with dire predictions about the kinds of things we’re going to have imposed on us in the near future. He was very troubled over the state of the world, physically shaken by it. I said, yes, all those things could happen. Or maybe they won’t. Or maybe we’ll face trials that are completely unexpected, and even worse than what’s predicted. What should we do?, he asked. I said, just keep looking at Jesus. Watch how He reacted to mistreatment by His government and by the devil and by the powers of the world. Watch His behavior, in every situation. And remember that He still sits on His throne. I couldn’t think of any better advice to give. Melting in fear won’t help. Rising up and overthrowing the government isn’t what the Christian is called to do. But watching Jesus? Yes, that we can and should do.

Watching Jesus is what the church year is all about, following Him through His life, listening to Him, and learning from Him every step of the way. The seasons of the year give us focus for that watching. In this Epiphany season, we’ve watched the wise men visit baby Jesus in Bethlehem. We’ve watched Jesus devote Himself to God’s Word at age 12. We’ve watched Jesus step forward to be baptized, to be acknowledged and praised and sent on His mission by His Father in heaven. And today we watch Jesus perform His first miracle at a wedding feast in Cana. Aren’t there more pressing things going on in the world that we should talk about? Well, surely there were more pressing things going on in Jesus’ world, too, but He chose to attend a wedding feast that day, and to reveal His glory there, and to have it recorded for us in Holy Scripture.

The timing of this event is important. It’s Jesus’ very first act with His first five disciples, less than a week after John the Baptist had pointed to Jesus as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” John, for his part, came “neither eating nor drinking,” that is, avoiding wine and avoiding weddings and feasts and celebrations, spending his entire ministry out in the wilderness, apart from society, preaching to whoever would come out and hear him. But Jesus came participating in all those things. Yes, He was serious about preaching and teaching, but by attending a wedding feast as the first act of His ministry, following His Baptism and temptation in the wilderness, He’s teaching us something about Himself and about the kind of people He’s looking for us to be. He hasn’t come to be a hermit or to change us all into hermits (or monks!), to abolish marriage and the family. The change He came to bring is a change of the heart, a change in our attitude toward sin, toward God, and toward our neighbor. God doesn’t mean for His children to avoid celebrations or family gatherings. He means for us to be a blessing at those gatherings. And so Jesus was.

The wine ran out early at this wedding feast. And Jesus’ mother Mary approached Him about it. They have no wine, she told Him. Some have suggested that Mary had some serving role at this wedding, which is possible, given her knowledge of the situation and her interest in doing something about it. The way she put it to Jesus wasn’t irreverent or demanding. But Jesus’ answer reveals that He wasn’t altogether pleased that His mother seemed to be looking to Him to do something about this minor inconvenience. Why do you involve Me, woman? Jesus wanted to make clear to His mother that, while her role as His mother continued, and He would continue to honor her as His mother, things were going to be different now. It’s telling that in both places in the Gospels where Jesus addresses Mary—here and at the foot of the cross—it’s “woman,” not “mother.” Her role as earthly authority over Him as her Son had come to an end. His role as the Son of God took priority. And she would have no place in guiding Him in the ministry He was now beginning. Only His Father in heaven would do that.

My hour has not yet come, He added. Just as John the Baptist had only a week ago pointed to Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, so Jesus, too, was focused on the sacrifice that lay ahead at the end of His earthly ministry, some three years or so in the future. That was Jesus’ hour. That’s when the Son of Man would truly be glorified. That was the mission. That was the goal, to suffer for the sins of all people, to give His life on the cross, to die the death that we all deserve, so that we might receive His life.

But, starting on that day, Jesus would reveal little glimpses of His glory along the way. Mary must have seen some indication from Jesus that He would do something, because she told the servants, Whatever he says to you, do it. And what He said to them was amazing. There were six large stone jars standing there. He said to the servants, Fill the jars with water. And then He told them to draw some out and take it to the master of the feast. And just like that, the water was changed into wine.

And fine wine at that! When the servants gave it to the master of the feast, he was amazed at how good it was, and how strange that the bridegroom had apparently reserved the best wine until this late hour of the feast. It was clear, at least to the servants and to Jesus’ disciples who were watching, that no tricks were being played here. Jesus didn’t even touch the jars or anything that went into them. But He revealed His incredible power over the creation, His unfathomable understanding of matter on a molecular level and His ability to manipulate it at will, taking simple water and changing it into something much more complex—not unlike the original creation, in which the Son of God participated, when, as Peter says in his second epistle, the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God.

After hearing and watching Jesus for less than a week, after watching Him perform this astonishing miracle, revealing His glory as the Son of God, John tells us that Jesus’ first disciples believed in Him. But they would need to keep watching, because faith isn’t like a light bulb that’s either on or off. It’s more like a fire that needs tending. Over the next three years, the faith of Jesus’ disciples would grow stronger and weaker, and sometimes it seemed nonexistent. But they kept watching, and God sustained them and grew them into the apostles who now make up the foundation of the Christian faith, with Jesus Christ Himself as the chief Cornerstone.

You and I—we don’t get to watch Jesus with our eyes. We don’t get to see His miracles. We watch through our ears, which doesn’t sound as good, at first, until you realize that it’s not the sight of God but the Word of God that does everything. It’s the Word of God that brings us to acknowledge and repent of our sins. It’s the Word of God that reveals Jesus to us as our Savior from sin and that moves us to believe in Him. Next week, when we celebrate the Transfiguration, we’ll hear God the Father calling on to “Hear Jesus!”

So watch Him again today by hearing Him and by hearing the Word of God about Him. Learn about Him from this account of the wedding at Cana, that He did not come to destroy, but to save; not to make life bitter, but to season it with joy, even now, in the midst of all the bitter troubles that we face and have yet to face. You can get caught up in all the madness of the world. Better to get caught up in the life and in the Person of Jesus the Christ. Look up at Him! Watch Him! And be at peace. Amen.

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Behold! The chosen Servant of the Lord!

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Sermon for the Baptism of Our Lord

Isaiah 42:1-13  +  Matthew 3:13-17

The Baptism of Jesus has traditionally been a very important celebration within the Epiphany season. That’s why many of our Epiphany hymns reference, not only the visit of the wise men, but also the Lord’s Baptism in the Jordan River. It fits very well with the theme of this season, because it’s an important epiphany, an important revelation of the hidden divinity of the Man named Jesus. Coincidentally, it also fits well in our review of the book of Isaiah this year. We turned to Isaiah 60 last week to talk about the visit of the wise men. This week we turn to Isaiah 42, which we’ll consider in conjunction with Matthew’s account of Jesus’ Baptism.

Matthew writes, Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. And what happened when Jesus was baptized? The heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”

Now, what did Isaiah prophesy about the coming Christ?

Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him;

Do you hear the similarities? They’re intentional! This! This, above all, is what we are to take from Jesus’ baptism, that He is the promised, chosen servant of the Lord whose coming was prophesied by the prophet Isaiah, that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ. Here, in this humble ceremony performed in the Jordan River, Jesus was anointed, not with oil, but with water. Here, at His Baptism, Jesus was inaugurated into the office which He would now begin in earnest to fulfill: His Christly office as Prophet, Priest, and King. Even Jesus, the God-Man, didn’t take this office on Himself. He waited 30 years, until this time of His Father’s choosing.

Now, when sinners are baptized, what’s it for? Scripture tells us. Repent and be baptized, Peter said, for the forgiveness of your sins. Get up and be baptized, said Ananias to Saul, and wash away your sins. Baptism now saves you, Peter wrote. For the sinner, Baptism is the washing of rebirth and renewal in the Holy Spirit. You are all sons of God, Paul writes, through faith in Jesus Christ, for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

None of that was true of Jesus’ baptism. The sinless One didn’t have any sins for which He needed to be forgiven, sins which He needed to wash away. The Savior didn’t need saving. The One who was born holy and who was still holy had no need of a rebirth. The One who was the Son of God according to both His divine and His human natures did not need to be made a son of God. So when Jesus was baptized, there was no change in His status before God, only a public acknowledgement by God of what was already true: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.

Isaiah goes on to describe the ministry that the Servant of the Lord would carry out.

He will not cry out, nor raise His voice, Nor cause His voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench;

St. Matthew will later (in chapter 12) cite these very words from Isaiah 42 and apply them directly to Jesus as a description of His ministry. Jesus was not a loud and obnoxious street preacher. He was patient and kind toward the weak. He didn’t shout and draw attention to Himself. Just consider His baptism. He didn’t make a big show. He humbly stepped forward and asked John to baptize Him. It was God the Father who exalted His Son in that moment.

He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles…He will bring forth justice for truth. He will not fail nor be discouraged, Till He has established justice in the earth; And the coastlands shall wait for His law.”

There’s another testimony from Isaiah that the Christ would be sent not only to Israel but to all nations, to the Gentiles, too. Now, Jesus Himself never even went out into the nations, much less did He seek to establish political or social justice in the earth. But His justice includes His righteousness, the righteousness of God which we receive by faith in Christ Jesus, and that message He did send out into the world, not in connection with His own Baptism, but in connection with the Baptism He sent His apostles to administer: Go and make the disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And, as Paul wrote, when we are baptized into Christ, we put on Christ. We are clothed with His righteousness, with His justice, judged by God to be righteous for Christ’s sake, who was baptized just as we are, not because He needed cleansing, but in order offer Himself to all the baptized, so that we can put Him on, be clothed with Him and His righteousness, and be counted before God as His beloved sons, with whom He is well-pleased. People wonder what Jesus meant when He told John that He needed to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness. This is one of the reasons.

Along those same lines, Isaiah continues: Thus says God the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it, and spirit to those who walk on it: “I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles,

Here Christ’s task, His ministry, is further explained. The LORD God, the Creator of all, God the Father Almighty, called His Son in righteousness. In connection with righteousness, as the One who would live a righteous life as mankind’s Substitute, as the One whose righteousness would cover believers in Him, as the One who would teach His people to live righteous and holy lives. And here the Father promises to hold His hand, to help and accompany Him in His earthly ministry, to keep, to preserve Him—until it was time for His sacrifice to take place, and to give Him as a covenant to the people (that is, to Israel), and as a light to the Gentiles. The old covenant God had made with Israel at Mt. Sinai would be replaced by Jesus, the author of the New Testament. And, again, He would be a light to enlighten the Gentiles, too, to bring them into this New Testament in His blood.

To open blind eyes, To bring out prisoners from the prison, Those who sit in darkness from the prison house.

A further description of Christ’s ministry. As we talked about during the Advent season, some of that He did literally. He literally opened blind eyes. He literally opened deaf ears. He literally delivered those who were imprisoned by the devil by casting out their demons. But He also did it spiritually, through His word, revealing the way of salvation to those who were living in the darkness and captivity of sin.

I am the LORD, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images.

This is an important verse, because Jesus claims divine honor and glory for Himself, and yet here the Lord clearly says that He won’t share His glory with anyone. The fact that the Father shares His glory and honor with the Son is yet another testimony that Jesus is Himself is also true God.

Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.

God’s old way of dealing with Israel—through the Law of Moses, through the Levitical priesthood, through the occasional prophet—was all about to change after the baptism of the Christ. Now He would deal with Israel for a time and show them Himself as clearly as possible. As John writes, For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has made him known.

So Sing to the LORD a new song, and His praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you coastlands and you inhabitants of them! Let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar inhabits. Let the inhabitants of Sela sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Let them give glory to the LORD, and declare His praise in the coastlands.

Yes, the coming of Christ, His revelation to Israel, and now to us, at His baptism is reason for all people everywhere to sing to the Lord, because in this Man who stepped forth from those baptismal waters, the Lord has provided a Savior for all men, that all may believe in Him, be baptized in His name, and be eternally saved.

The LORD shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies.

Sounds like Isaiah is describing Jesus going forth from His baptism, doing battle with the devil in the wilderness for the next forty days, carrying out His ministry for the next three years, crying out, yes, shouting aloud from the cross, “It is finished!”, and then rising from the dead, prevailing against His enemies. Give thanks today, for Jesus’ baptism and for Isaiah’s prophecy that helps us to understand just how important it was. Behold, the Servant of the Lord, the Son of God, going forth to bring salvation to sinners everywhere! Amen.

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The Boy who loved God’s Word more than anything

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Sermon for Epiphany 1

Romans 12:1-5  +  Luke 2:41-52

A blessed Epiphany to you! Epiphany was yesterday, January 6th, although we celebrated it on Wednesday—the visit of the wise men to find the One who had been born King of the Jews. There are only three Sundays in the Epiphany season this year. Each one gives us a little revelation of the divinity, the divine identity that lay hidden in that otherwise-normal-looking Man named Jesus. He was (and is) the God-Man, the Man who is also God. In many, many ways, Jesus was the same as us, but also different. And it’s both that sameness and that difference that make Him our Savior.

First, we learn something in today’s Gospel about the God-Man’s parents, Mary and Joseph. We’re told that they went to Jerusalem every year for the Passover. That may seem like a small thing, but it took about four or five days to walk from Nazareth to Jerusalem, plus the week spent there, plus another four or five days walking back. Factor in the loss of income for those two weeks, plus the expenses of the journey and the lodging for a family that certainly wasn’t rich. And it wasn’t for a family vacation or for sightseeing or for relaxation. It was to spend that week performing the religious rites and ceremonies God had prescribed in the Old Testament: acquiring a lamb, taking care of it for a few days, then slaughtering it and eating it, accompanied by time spent in the temple, prayers and hymns and a recounting of the history of how God redeemed Israel from slavery. Every year Mary and Joseph made that two-week journey to Jerusalem (with or without Jesus, we don’t know), and during the rest of the year, they would faithfully attend the synagogue in Nazareth on the Sabbath day. What a wonderful example they were for all Christian parents!

When He was twelve years old, we’re told that Jesus went with His parents to Jerusalem for the Passover, where He who was the Lamb of God first participated in the festival that was entirely designed to foreshadow Him, and His own death at a Passover festival, in the same city of Jerusalem, some 21 years later.

Jesus was a twelve-year-old Boy like any twelve-year-old boy. The same as us. At the end of today’s Gospel, Luke tells us that Jesus returned home with His parents, that He was subject to them, and that He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. He had a family life. He had chores to do, and He did them. He had parents whom God the Father had placed over Him, and He loved and obeyed them, although He was the very Son of God. So He was the same as us. But different in that He always loved and obeyed His parents, from the heart. Never talked back to them. Never rolled His eyes at them. Never even thought badly of them. He was sinless, a perfect Lamb, without spot or blemish, and that qualified Him later on to be the sacrifice for our sins.

Now if Jesus was always so obedient, He must have had a very, very good reason to stay behind in Jerusalem when He was twelve years old. As His parents and the rest of the caravan from Nazareth got up early to start the long walk back to Nazareth, He stayed behind in Jerusalem. Not defiantly, as if He refused to go back. But for some inexplicable reason (maybe because He was so predictably obedient), Mary and Joseph just assumed He was with their relatives or acquaintances who were part of the caravan, and they walked a whole day under that assumption. But when they finally went looking for Him, they realized He wasn’t with them.

But it was already the end of day 1 by the time they realized that. So the next morning they got up and hurried back to Jerusalem. They made a quick search that evening, probably retraced their steps to where they had been staying, and still didn’t find Him. Finally, on the third day, they found Him, right there in the temple, sitting among the Rabbis, the teachers of Israel, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.

We see a bit of Jesus’ sameness and of His difference here. As a human boy, He learned. He was curious. He asked insightful questions, and He answered questions. He was respectful to His elders. He wasn’t snobbish or condescending. Just a humble student, truly interested in the things of God, who loved God’s Word and God’s house. The ideal catechism student. He loved being in the temple of God. The words of the Psalmist describe Jesus perfectly: O LORD, I love the habitation of Your house, the place where Your glory dwells… How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts!  My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh cry out to the living God…Blessed are those who dwell in your house…O God, our Shield, behold! And look upon the face of your anointed. For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. That describes—or should describe! —every Christian of every age.

The difference is that it described Jesus perfectly. No sinful flesh ever distracted Him from loving God first, putting God and His Word first. He loved God’s Word more than anything. That love for God’s Word would keep Him behind in Jerusalem, not to skip school, but to stay in school—that was an epiphany, a little revelation of the divinity that lay hidden in that Boy. His astonishing exchanges with the Rabbis were also little epiphanies. His love for Scripture, His understanding of Scripture and of God Himself were deep, not only for a boy, but for anyone. His questions and answers astounded the teachers of the Law, a hint that this Boy was different from other men.

That was also a foreshadowing of what the future held for this twelve-year-old boy. He wouldn’t be some great carpenter, or some politician, or some philosopher. He would be engaged in teaching God’s Word, discussing God’s Word, instructing the people of Israel in the things of God, with better understanding than any of the other teachers, or, for that matter, than anyone else who had ever lived. Because He was the Word made flesh. He had come from the bosom of the Father, as St. John puts in. He knew God the Father perfectly.

But His parents didn’t understand. They loved God’s house, too, but not like this. Why would Jesus stay behind and cause them to worry? Mary said, “Son, why have you done this to us? See, your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” And he said to them, “What do you mean, you were you searching for me? Did you not know that I had to be engaged in the things of my Father?” But they did not understand what he said to them.

It seems that Mary and Joseph had pushed to the back of their minds that, while Jesus was their Son, His true Father—His only Father, in the sense of where He came from—was God the Father in heaven. And while Joseph had certainly given Jesus chores to do, His Father in heaven had given Him chores of His own. One of those chores—which was a delight to Jesus—was being engaged in His Father’s things, namely, in the things that have to do with hearing, learning, and discussing God’s Word, the “chore” of spending time in His Father’s chosen house on earth, the Temple in Jerusalem.

It wasn’t a spectacular epiphany. But it was still extraordinary, and we’re told that His mother kept all these things in her heart. Luke says the same thing after the shepherds visited them and found Jesus wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. She noticed the sameness in Jesus, even as she noticed the differences.

The fact that Jesus was the same as us in His humanity and in His submission to God’s holy Law is essential for our salvation. If we were to be saved from eternal death, we needed a Substitute who was the same as us to die that death for us. As Scripture makes clear, animal sacrifices weren’t really good enough to atone for human sin. It had to be a Man, the same as us. But because that Man was also different from us—different in that His obedience was perfect and sinless and genuine, and different in that Jesus was God—His sacrifice would be enough to atone for the whole world’s sins. This is all part of what we call Jesus’ “active and passive obedience” as our Substitute. He did (actively) what we’re all supposed to do, except that we haven’t. And He suffered (passively) all that we deserved to suffer for our sins. This is what earned our salvation, that Christ was righteous for us, even as a Boy, and now the Father counts His righteousness and obedience to all who believe in Him, as if it were our obedience, as if we had been perfect parents, perfect children, perfect people.

Jesus became the perfect sacrifice for our sins. And now, as those whom God has saved, as those whom God has counted as righteous through faith in Christ Jesus, we have a holy calling, as St. Paul wrote in today’s Epistle, to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—not sacrifices to atone for sins anymore, but sacrifices of thanksgiving.

So parents, as your daily, living sacrifice of thanksgiving, be the fathers and mothers God has called you to be. As Paul writes, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Spend time with them. Teach them whatever you can. Teach them the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer. Keep urging them, by word and by example, to grow into godly men and women who don’t just attend church regularly, but who show a genuine interest in God’s Word, a firm commitment to sound doctrine, and zeal for knowing God and discussing the things of God.

Children, as your daily, living sacrifice of thanksgiving, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with a promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” Learn obedience. Learn to honor your parents, not just outwardly, but with your attitude and in your heart.

Christians of all ages, make it your goal to imitate Jesus in the ways you can. You can’t be God. But you can be good, honest, dependable, humble, caring, kind, generous, and submissive to those in authority over you. You can devote yourself to living as children of God in a godless world, who are eager to hear their Father’s Word, who love God’s Word more than anything, just like your Lord Jesus did, at twelve years old, and throughout His life. Amen.

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