Tag Archives: ascension

The ascended Lord builds His Church

Sermon for Ascension Day Acts 1:1-11  +  Mark 16:14-20 By the 40th day after His resurrection, the earthly work of Jesus was 100% complete. He had lived the life every man was supposed to live, a life of perfect obedience … Continue reading

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The ascended Lord Jesus continues both to do and teach

Sermon for the Ascension of Our Lord Acts 1:1-11  +  Mark 16:14-20 This Ascension Day couldn’t have come at a better time. As you know all too well and as I often point out, the world has gone mad. The … Continue reading

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Sermon for the Ascension of Our Lord

Isaiah 57:15  +  Acts 1:1-11  +  Mark 16:14-20 We can’t overestimate the importance of this day, of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus. Just as Christmas would be useless without Good Friday, and Good Friday without Easter Sunday, so it … Continue reading

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Luther Sermon – Ascension Day

Sermon by Martin Luther for the DAY OF CHRIST’S ASCENSION INTO HEAVEN. This sermon, which is not found in edition c, dates from the year 1523 and appeared in three pamphlet editions in the same year under the title: “A … Continue reading

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