Tag Archives: epiphany

The light of Christ shines in the Church

Sermon for the Epiphany of Our Lord Isaiah 49:1-7  +  Isaiah 60:1-6  +  Matthew 2:1-12 Now.  Now, after Christmas is over and all the decorations are put away, it’s time to go back to Bethlehem one last time for the … Continue reading

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We celebrate Christmas because of Epiphany

right-click to save, or push Play Sermon for the Epiphany of Our Lord Isaiah 60:1-6  +  Ephesians 3:1-12  +  Matthew 2:1-12 The Christmas season officially ended yesterday.  Happy Epiphany to all of you!  I don’t suppose you’ve planned an Epiphany … Continue reading

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When Word and Water Come Together

Sermon for the Baptism of Our Lord Matthew 3:13-17  +  Isaiah 42:1-7  +  1 Corinthians 1:26-31 INTRODUCTION – WATER, WATER, EVERYWHERE Water, water, everywhere.  You wouldn’t know it by looking at it now, but last Sunday after church, those of … Continue reading

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