Tag Archives: lutheran sermon

Angelic agents of God’s preservation

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Download Bulletin Sermon for St. Michael & All Angels Revelation 12:7-12  +  Matthew 18:1-11 Our review of the Small Catechism coincides perfectly with today’s Feast of St. Michael and All Angels. We’re moving from the Ten … Continue reading

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Be neither self-seeking nor self-deprecating, but humble

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Trinity 17 Ephesians 4:1-6  +  Luke 14:1-11 You’ve heard the voice. “Every man for himself. Do what you have to do to get ahead. Go ahead and trample on … Continue reading

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Steadfast faith and earnest prayer against the demons

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Download Bulletin Sermon for Ember Wednesday in September Amos 9:13-15  +  Mark 9:17-29 Today is the first time we’ve ever observed the Ember Days, as our diocese has just recently encouraged their observance. They occur four … Continue reading

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Don’t worry. You’re going to die.

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Trinity 16 Ephesians 3:13-21  +  Luke 7:11-17 In last week’s Gospel, the Lord Christ taught us very patiently not to worry. In today’s Gospel, He teaches the same thing, … Continue reading

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The Conclusion of the Commandments

(Sermon is audio only) Small Catechism Review The Conclusion of the Commandments We’ve now briefly reviewed the First Chief Part of Luther’s Small Catechism, the Ten Commandments, over the last several weeks. All that remains is what Luther calls the … Continue reading

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