Tag Archives: lutheran sermon

Sometimes the wicked prosper

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Trinity 1 1 John 4:16-21  +  Luke 16:19-31 The scene Jesus depicts in today’s Gospel is not uncommon: an ungodly rich person living right next to a godly poor … Continue reading

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The basic truth of the Trinity

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Holy Trinity Romans 11:33-36  +  John 3:1-15 There are many “gods” in the world, that is, imaginary gods that exist only in people’s minds. The god of the Jews … Continue reading

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The miracles attest: Repent, be baptized, and remain devoted

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Pentecost Acts 2:1-13  +  John 14:23-31 On this great festival of Pentecost, we turn to the words that the Holy Spirit, whose coming we celebrate today, inspired St. Luke … Continue reading

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The planned (apparent) failure of the Church

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for the Sunday after Ascension 1 Peter 4:7-11  +  John 15:26-16:4 What expectations do you have for the Church, or for your own future as a member of the Church? … Continue reading

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The tasks ahead for the Church and her Head

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for the Festival of the Ascension Acts 1:1-11  +  Mark 16:14-20 Between Mark’s Gospel and Luke’s account in the book of Acts, we get a pretty well-rounded picture of the … Continue reading

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