Tag Archives: mark 7:31-37

Jesus Heals the Deaf through the Visible Word

right-click to save, or push Play Sermon for Trinity 12 Isaiah 29:18-19  +  2 Corinthians 3:4-11  +  Mark 7:31-37 Our Gospel today teaches a very simple lesson of faith and love.  There’s nothing difficult about it.  It’s easy to understand. … Continue reading

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Luther Sermon for Trinity 12

Sermon for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. A Sermon by Martin Luther,taken from his Church Postil. Text: Mark 7:31-37 (KJV) 1. Dearly Beloved: I hope you thoroughly understand this Gospel, for it is plain. However, as we have but one … Continue reading

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Deaf ears open when the Son of God speaks to them

right-click to save, or push Play Sermon for Trinity 12 Isaiah 29:17-24  +  Romans 10:9-17  +  Mark 7:31-37 We have another one of Jesus’ healing miracles before us today. Before we discuss this particular Gospel, it would be good to … Continue reading

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Jesus, the humble healer of ears and tongues

right-click to save, or push Play Sermon for Trinity 12 Mark 7:31-37  +  Isaiah 29:17-24  +  2 Corinthians 3:4-11 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way … Continue reading

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