Tag Archives: matthew 21:1-9

O Lord, how shall I meet Thee?

Sermon (audio) Download Sermon Service(video) Download Service Download Bulletin Sermon for Ad Te Levavi (Advent 1) Romans 13:11-14  +  Matthew 21:1-9 The Christ is coming. That was the focus of the Old Testament. Throughout the Old Testament, God sent His … Continue reading

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The humility-seeking mind of Christ

Right Click to Save Sermon for Palm Sunday Philippians 2:5-11  +  Matthew 21:1-9  +  Passion History Reading What a sight it must have been, Jesus the Rabbi, Jesus the Teacher, the Preacher, the Miracle-Worker, loved by many, hated by more, … Continue reading

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Nearer now than when you first believed

Right Click to Save Sermon for Ad Te Levavi – Advent 1 Romans 13:11-14  +  Matthew 21:1-9 The new Church Year begins today—and it does not begin with Christmas. The world, for its own reasons, is anxious to celebrate Christmas—or rather, … Continue reading

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The King comes lowly to save

right-click to save, or push Play Sermon for Palm Sunday Philippians 2:5-11  +  Matthew 21:1-9 And so that Holy Week began, with Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, with garments draped over the donkeys and carpeting the road, with … Continue reading

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Christ’s first Advent paves the way for the second

right-click to save, or push Play Sermon for Ad Te Levavi – Advent 1 Jeremiah 33:14-18  +  Romans 13:11-14  +  Matthew 21:1-9 Today we enter the season of Advent, the season of waiting, as the Church waits in hope for … Continue reading

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