Tag Archives: trinity 8

Luther Sermon for Trinity 8

Sermon for the Eighth Sunday after Trinity. A Sermon by Martin Luther; Taken from His Church Postil, 1522. Text: Matthew 7:15-23 (KJV) Christ’s Warning of False Prophets Part I. The Foundation and Reason of This Warning 1. As the Lord … Continue reading

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Judge the Prophets by God’s Word

right-click to save, or push Play Meditation for Trinity 8 +  Matthew 7:15-23  + For our brief meditation this morning, we will consider the words of Jesus in the Gospel, the words with which He drew to a close His … Continue reading

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The wise man watches out for false prophets

right-click to save, or push Play Sermon for Trinity 8 Matthew 7:15-23  +  Jeremiah 23:16-29  +  Acts 20:27-38 Do you want to be wise?  Only a fool wouldn’t, right?  Jesus once told a parable, as he was wrapping up his … Continue reading

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